
Half Billion Euro Tender for Pelješac Bridge Published

By 20 June 2016

The announcement marks the beginning of the largest infrastructural project in Croatia financed from EU funds

Marking the beginning of the construction project of Pelješac bridge, with a total value of 525,947.820 Euro, Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Tomislav Tolušić and Maritime, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Oleg Butković held a press conference, as Poslovni Dnevnik reports on June 20, 2016.

The project titled “Road Cohesion with South Dalmatia,” which encompasses the building of the Pelješac bridge, is partly financed by EU funds amounting to 330 million Euro, a 78.5% share in the total value of acceptable project costs.

“The Pelješac bridge is no longer just a wish of this or that government, the Pelješac bridge is now a reality! By publishing this tender in time we have shown our ability to prepare for large EU projects ahead of us,” Minister Tolušić said.

In the period from 2016 to 2022 four project phases are foreseen that include construction of bridge access roads, the bridge itself, a section of road on Pelješac and the so-called Ston bypass.
