
Bellabeat Owner Decides to Treat All Employees to Canary Islands Vacation

By 30 June 2016

Since the summer heat in Zagreb can be intolerable, while the summer months are unproductive, they decided to move the entire team to the Canaries

While some will spend their summer in hot offices, the boss of one Croatian company decided to take all his employees to the Canary Islands, Poslovni Dnevnik reported on June 30, 2016.

“I’ve always watched on Facebook photos of business owners travelling to exotic destinations. I wanted to be in those places too, but due to company work I couldn’t make it happen as it wouldn’t be fair to the entire team. So we’ve decided to alter the model and create the situation - either everyone goes or no one goes. Since the heat in Zagreb can be intolerable, with the summer months unproductive, we decided to move the entire team to the Canaries. Bellabeat has rented luxury villas with pools, while every team member will be able to spend as much time there as they like. Work hours are flexible and every employee can decide when, how much and how they will work,” explained Bellabeat founder Sandro Mur.

Bellabeat is a company creating smart devices that help women track the quality of their life and health in different life phases. In May 2015 they launched a health tracker for women, smart jewellery, declared by the world media as one of the best gadgets in 2015.
