
Former MOST Members Establish “Let’s Change Croatia” Party

By 2 July 2016

Just what Croatia needs – another political party founded.

A new political party “Let’s Change Croatia” (Promijenimo Hrvatsku) was established on Saturday at the founding congress in Zagreb. The main founders of the party are Ivan Lovrinović, Juro Martinović and Ivica Mišić, three MPs and former members of MOST who left the party in June, reports Index.hr on July 2, 2016.

Ivan Lovrinović was elected as the president of the new party and he highlighted the importance of economic reforms. “In Croatia, there are more than 100 political parties, of which a large part are inactive, and the two major political parties have led us in a very difficult social and economic situation”, said Lovrinović at a press conference after the founding congress.

“We have found the strength to start a new party in order to change our reality. We have a very strong team of economic experts and a very serious economic programme and I am sure that, if our citizens give us their confidence, we will make positive turn in Croatia”, said Lovrinović. He added that they wanted to stop the flight of young people from the country and solve the problem of unemployment. “We have large goals, but also a lot of knowledge, as well as people of conviction and character, who are persistent and persevering in their struggle and who have proven themselves in recent years”, said Lovrinović.

He added that elections were fast approaching and that the party would enter into a pre-election coalition. The party will belong to the political centre and will look for allies in the coming days and weeks. Asked if HDZ and SDP were possible partners, Lovrinović replied that, as far as he knew, they did not belong to the political centre. "We will talk with HSS, Živi Zid, HSLS, some prominent individuals and organizations. We are a party of dialogue and we will try to restore confidence in the third way, which is now quite compromised”, said Lovrinović.

Asked how many MPs did they expect to have in the next Parliament, Lovrinović replied that he expected to have at least 3 MPs, which they have now and which currently makes them the fifth party by the number of seats.

Juro Martinović has been elected as party vice-president, while members of the presidency are Ivica Mišić, Tihomir Babić, Zoran Marinović and Sanja Tandarić.
