
In Ten Years, Just 183 Asylum-Seekers Granted Asylum in Croatia

By 4 July 2016

Croatian rules for asylum-seekers could hardly be more restrictive.

“In the past decade, more than 5,000 people have sought asylum in Croatia, but only 183 people have received some form of protection. Our asylum system is quite restrictive and it is well-known that the refugee status is granted only to persons who actually do meet all the conditions. Those who are denied asylum receive a written decision that they have to leave Croatia and they have to do it within the given deadline”, said Sara Kekuš from the Centre for Peace Studies, reports ni1info on July 4, 2016.

“Four Eritreans who arrived in Croatia last week are only some of the people who should come in the next year and a half. Croatia has committed to accepting 1617 persons by the end of 2017”, said Kekuš and added that the majority of people who enter the quota have already been allocated, but their consent is still needed. “It is important now for the state to do its job and to allow them to have a normal life here. In Croatia, we have many people who have been here for years, but their status has not yet been resolved.”

“The state covers some of their basic needs. They receive accommodation, as well as three meals a day. They also have a right to receive a hundred kuna of monthly allowance”, said Kekuš.

She stressed that it was worrying that Croatia a few days ago briefly put up a fence at the Batina border crossing with Serbia. The fence was removed after several hours. “I do not think there should be a worsening of relations between Croatia and Serbia. It is worrying that there are increasing numbers of people gathering in the southern countries. Currently, these people do not have any solution. We need to make some kind of accommodation for the people which would satisfy their basic needs”, concluded Kekuš.
