
“We Will Pass the Magic Number of 8 Billion Euro”

By 9 July 2016

Tourism Minister Anton Kliman failed to complete new tourism laws or the benefits card for domestic tourists

Unlike most of his government colleagues, in the nine months of his mandate he will complete a cycle, the 2016 season. It began well, with statistics showing 7.5% more tourists in first four months and 6% more overnight stays than last year, Vecernji List wrote on July 7, 2016.

What can eVisitor tell us about the first six months?
This is a trial year for eVisitor and hence we refrain from comparing data to last year. But we do know there are more overnight stays by about half a million. The effort of the public and private sector is showing results and the season will undoubtedly be better than last year.

How did bad weather and the Euro spoil June results?
The weather was more of a factor thean the Euro, especially for camps, but losses were reduced in the second half of June.

Income is growing faster than the number of tourists, a 16% increase in the first three months, is this a realistic trend and will 2016 end with a billion Euro more from tourism than last year’s 7.9 billion?
Unfortunately, not so much. Obviously the offer has improved and tourists are spending more, but the structure of guests changes in the summer months. Pre- and post-season guests are more generous, more focused on tours and other offers than those in mid-season coming for the sea and rest.

But, will we pass the magic 8 billion Euro income mark from foreign tourists this year?
We will see by how much, but I believe there will be five to six percent more guests than last year, so income should rise by about 400 million Euro.

The season is nearing its peak, while your mandate is ending, are you disappointed it lasted so short?
It’s not a disappointment, but I regret we didn’t get to finish what we started. Specifically, we worked on new laws on tourism boards, sojourn tax, tourism services and tourism land. Also, together with the Croatian Bank for Development and Rebuilding we worked on measures to alleviate the recategorisation of private accommodation. We cannot prescribe what 50% of tourism capacity should look like and not offer the people instruments to make their job easier. We made advances with the benefits card for domestic tourists. Everything we worked on will be presented to the public in the end. We worked with public money and I believe it is our duty to show how far we got

What will you focus on in the next two months?
We will continue what we started, believing HDZ will lead the government after elections. Whoever takes over, we don’t want to leave an empty bag, but matters at a certain level that can be continued or taken in another direction.

Do you believe you personally attributed to the season that seems to be the best ever?
Guests don’t come on their own, and I know I gave my maximum. The private sector has done its job, but the promotion by the Croatian Tourism Board is important. There wasn’t any delay in regular sector support through various programmes. It’s hard to rate oneself, I’ve done the best in the circumstances.

You announced a turnaround in promotion, but the Croatian Tourism Board remains the way you found it, would it have been different if your mandate was longer?
If you’re hinting at personal changes, you’re wrong. I meant changes to the law to make the main office of the tourism board into a branding agency of Croatian tourism. Why change leadership and not change that?

What will you do after your mandate and would you take on this job again?
I don’t like hypothetical questions. It all depends on the new PM designate and I believe this will be Mr. Plenković. But one thing is certain, I have a place to go back to, Istria and my private business are waiting.
