
New High: Split Airport and Ferry Port Expect 87,000 Travellers

By 10 July 2016

For several days the vehicle carriage on the railway between Zagreb and Split has been full in both directions

During this weekend the Split airport and ferry port expect around 87,000 travellers in both directions, record-breaking traffic for this time of year, reported on July 9, 2016.

“Today and tomorrow the Split ferry port should have around 80 departures and same number of arrivals of ferries and catamarans, transferring to mid-Dalmatian islands around 45,000 passengers, which is record traffic for this time of year,” said the coordinator of Jadrolinija’s Split area Ante Mrvica.

According to him, the largest ship traffic is to the islands of Brač and Hvar, with a noticeable trend of more departures to the islands than returns.

Chief of traffic in Split airport Dragan Peljić reported the airport currently has slightly more arrivals than departures. “This weekend we expect around 180 landings and takeoffs and around 42,000 passengers in both directions, a record for a weekend in this time of year,” Peljić said.

The Split rail station has increased traffic this weekend, especially on the Zagreb-Split line. A special carriage for vehicles was introduced on this line. For several days this carriage on this line has been full in both directions, Split rail station officials said. They added a noticeable trend of passengers with bikes using the train.
