
Croatian Politicians React to Massacre in Nice

By 15 July 2016

Croatian politician condemn attack which killed and wounded dozens of innocent people.

After the massacre in Nice in which at least 84 people were killed, including many children, and dozens were injured, the whole world is shocked. Condolences to the families of victims and messages of support are coming from all over the world, including from many Croatian politicians, reports Večernji List on July 15, 2016.

Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković condemned the terrorist attack in Nice and sent his condolences to French President Francois Hollande. “I have received with deep sorrow the news of yet another horrific terrorist attack in France. We condemn violence and terrorism, which again takes people’s lives and hurts many families. The monstrous attack which killed and wounded dozens of innocent people as they celebrated the Bastille Day in Nice is an attack on the basic European values. Croatia stands together with France in the fight against terrorism. On behalf of the Croatian government and myself, I express deepest condolences to you and the families of the victims. I wish the injured a quick and successful recovery”, said Prime Minister Oreškovic in a letter to French President Hollande.

President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović is participating in the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. At the beginning of her address, the President expressed her condolences to the French people. She said that we need to stick together and demonstrate unity and commitment in the fight against terrorism.

“There is no justification for this terrible act, no religion or ideology. This can cause only a condemnation around the world. I have sent condolences to the Speaker of French Parliament”, said Speaker Željko Reiner. “We are left without words when we think how much hatred and evil there is in the world”, said Reiner.

Candidate for HDZ president Andrej Plenković sent a message on Twitter. “I strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Nice. I express my condolences to the families of the victims and to the French authorities”, wrote Plenković.

“When I was younger, terrorist attacks were something very rare and exceptional. Today, they happen almost every day. We have to change the world. I am sorry for Nice, just like I was sorry for Baghdad last month, and Kabul, and Istanbul, and Orlando and Brussels... We must build a culture of peace. That is a long-term solution”, wrote former Assistant Veterans Affairs Minister Bojan Glavašević on Twitter.

MEP Ruža Tomašić expressed her deepest condolences to the families of those killed in the attack in Nice. “My deepest condolences to families and friends of victims of the Nice attack. We must all stand with France and defeat this threat once and for all.”
