
Will Zagreb Issue 200 New Taxi Permits?

By 21 July 2016

At today’s City Council session, SDP and HNS reps will demand the abolishment of a moratorium on new taxi permits, while Mayor Bandić is calling for a consensus with the taxi operators

The City Council voted at the end of last year to allow taxi operators to set the minimum start price, while the maximum and per kilometre price are set at 16 Kuna and 6 Kuna, respectively. It was also decided there will be no new permits until July 2017, after which they will be issued every four years, reported on July 21, 2016.

The decision prompted many reactions, one of which came from the Agency for Market Competition Protection (AZTN), deeming the decision unfavourable from a market competition standpoint.

SDP and HNS representatives filed a motion asking for the moratorium to be revoked and 200 new permits issued. The taxi operators are split on such motions.

Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić said he wishes for a compromise to be reached, as the original decision was reached through a consensus with taxi operators.

HDZ reps will not support SDP and HNS amendments as they feel the duration of the moratorium should be sued for analysis and push for a strategy to be created, as opposed to ad ho solutions. The taxi operators are set to convene outside the City Hall before today’s session.
