
Entrepreneurs Not Featured Prominently on Candidate Lists for Elections

By 21 August 2016

There are few entrepreneurs and businesspeople nominated for Parliament by major parties.

Among 2,456 candidates on electoral lists for the upcoming elections, there are only a few people who have experience in the business sector, reports Lider on August 21, 2016.

It seems that most of them can be found on the candidate list of MOST. Josip Katalinić, the head of the MOST’s electoral campaign, is a candidate on the list for the seventh constituency. Katalenić has 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur. He is a co-owner of two IT companies from Rijeka with thirty employees. A candidate in the tenth constituency is entrepreneur Ivana Ninčević, the head of the Solin Entrepreneurial Centre. Stjepan Bistrović is also a long-time entrepreneur and he is a candidate on MOST’s list in the third constituency.

“MOST has gathered many important names from the entrepreneurial sector because we believe that entrepreneurs should be the backbone of the development of Croatia. With their knowledge, work and ideas, entrepreneurs are a prerequisite for the changes that we want to happen in Croatia”, said MOST president Božo Petrov. MOST’s lists also include Esad Čolaković, the general manager of the Croatian Association of Entrepreneurs and Managers, and Miroslav Šimić, who used to work at Kraš.

HSS, which is in a coalition with SDP, nominated in the tenth constituency controversial entrepreneur Stipe Gabrić, while SDP has two CEOs on its lists: Dino Manestar from the Jadran Hotel in Crikvenica and Danijel Ferić from Croatian Lottery.

HDZ also has several people with entrepreneurial experience on its lists. Domagoj Ivan Milošević in the seventh constituency, Đuro Njavro in the second constituency, and in the eighth constituency Tourism Minister Anton Kliman, who has experience from the tourism industry.

Among three candidates of HSLS which is in a coalition with HDZ, party president Darinko Kosor used to be an entrepreneur. Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić’s party nominated in the first constituency Milana Vukovic Runjić, the owner of the Vuković&Runjić publishing house.

Pametno party nominated in the second constituency entrepreneur Dražen Oreščanin. If he is elected to Parliament, he will advocate for more favourable business climate. “I want to create better business conditions for entrepreneurs, reduce tax burden on labour, and implement education reform. I also want to restore voters’ trust in politicians”, said Oreščanin.
