
Government Extends HRT Director General’s Term, MOST Votes Against

By 31 August 2016

Another split in the caretaker government.

At the today’s cabinet meeting, the government adopted the Decree on Amendments to the Law on Croatian Radio Television (HRT), which extended the term of office of the Acting Director General Siniša Kovačić until 1 October, report tportal.hr and Jutarnji List on August 31, 2016.

HDZ ministers supported the proposal, while MOST’s members of government voted against. Deputy Prime Minister and MOST president Božo Petrov said that he did not believe that HRT under current leadership was fair and impartial. “We understand that HRT should have a legally elected management but, on the other hand, we do not believe that the current management team has fulfilled its purpose, since their only goal should be broadcasting objective and unbiased information. Therefore, MOST cannot support the extension of Kovačić’s term”, said Petrov. He added that, after the parliamentary elections, MOST would insist on a completely different management team for HRT that will perform its duties in a much more professional manner.

The government was able to change the law due to the fact that Parliament has been dissolved and currently the government can perform certain duties of Parliament as well. However, that right expires on 1 October, and therefore Kovačić’s extended term will also expire on that date. Since elections will take place on 11 September, it is not certain that new Parliament will be constituted before the deadline.

The government made such decision because Kovačić original term as Acting Director General would expire on 4 September, and HRT would be left without any legally elected managers, explained Culture Minister Zlatko Hasanbegović. The decree was supported by 11 HDZ ministers and Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković.

After the cabinet meeting, Culture Minister Zlatko Hasanbegović said that his colleagues from MOST were against the decision, but did not dispute its legal basis. “They were against and they expressed their opinion, and I respect that”, said Hasanbegović to reporters, adding that this was just a temporary solution until 1 October. He added that permanent appointment would be done by the next Parliament. Hasanbegović added that he was sure that the next government would also be a partnership government between HDZ and MOST.

Croatian Journalists' Association (HND) said that the decision meant that the government was knowingly allowing the agony of the public service broadcaster. They pointed out that the government ignored an opinion of the HRT Supervisory Board, as well as opinions of HND and international journalist organizations, as well as the European Broadcasting Union.

HND said that they reacted publicly a month and a half ago when it was reported that the government was planning to extend Kovačić’s term. “From the very beginning of its term, the outgoing government has turned HRT into a means for implementation of rigid cultural revolution. Kovačić has been obediently fulfilling its political demands. By extending the term of Acting Director General, the outgoing government has allowed the agony of the public broadcaster to be continued”, said HND in a statement.
