
The First 8 Months of 2016 Have Sold 785,000 Tickets to Walk the Walls of Dubrovnik

By 7 September 2016

With 785,000 tickets already sold, a projected 1.1 million visitors to the Dubrovnik walls should be reached by the end of the year.

In the first eight months of 2016, 785,000 tickets have been sold to walk the famous city walls of Dubrovnik. As compared to this same period last year, an increase of 73,000 tickets, or more than 10%, have been sold according to Society of Friends of Dubrovnik Antiquities (DPDS).


In August alone the walls were visited by 224,000 guests, which is 13% higher than last year. August was also the first month where the walls had over 200,000 visitors.


DPDS also reports that August had the most visitors in a single day, reaching 10,300 visitors. By the end of the year, there is expected to be around 1.1 million visitors to the walls, creating a new record.


DPDS also manages the walls in Ston, where the first 8 months saw 36,500 tickets sold, which is 8,000 more than last year. It is expected that the walls in Ston will reach 50,000 visitors this year.


Source: Dalmacija News
