Ivan Vilibor Sinčić, President of Živi Zid, said despite the large number of mandates they won at the elections, his party will be the opposition, as he is firmly convinced HDZ and SDP will form a coalition
According to the temporary election results, Živi Zid will enter the parliament with eight mandates, Dnevnik.hr reported on September 12, 2016.
“I am proud of all who voted and sent a clear and loud message that in the near future a Croatian without HDZ and SDP is possible,” said Živi Zid President Ivan Vilibor Sinčić after temporary election results were announced.
“This is just the beginning and a lot still needs to be done, many problems solved. Our time is coming, I call on everyone to unite,” messaged Sinčić.
“We are not leaning toward anyone, we will not be the bandage on the fester of large parties. It is time they bleed slowly,” said Sinčić.
“For the hundredth time - we won’t,” he added, answering if they will enter into a coalition with anyone.
Živi Zid, many say, is the surprise of these elections. Together with their partners, they are an expected result of the revolt by many young citizens and parents of those who have left the country. They are a clear message that citizens, or a large portion, do not desire a Croatia that has deep functional problems in the executive, judicial and legislative. However, it is a voice of revolt equivalent to voiding the ballot as Živi Zid is decidedly refusing to enter into coalition with any option. Their voice may be heard in the parliament, but without taking the levers of power into their hands they won’t bring about any real change.
It is a horrific thought, and it does come to mind, that Živi Zid in parliament plans to further antagonise democracy and people to contribute to the destruction of the democratic process much more than HDZ and SDP have done in their nearly three decades in power. We must bear in mind their electorate is made up of young and unsatisfied citizens, prone to radical ideas. Similar political options have done this in Greece, for example. However, the complete marginalisation of radical right options is somewhat of a guarantee we will not see this scenario.