
Popularity of Hybrid Vehicles Growing in Croatia

By 19 April 2016

People recognize the benefits of such vehicles, and they also like the subsidies.

The increase in the number of hybrid vehicles on the Croatian roads is very much visible. The figure is not just symbolic, especially in the last two years. According to the Croatian Centre for Vehicles, in 2013 there were 446 hybrid vehicles, in 2014 there were as many as 873, and in 2015 their number jumped to 1,347, reports on April 19, 2016.

The trend is similar when it comes to electric vehicles. The environmental awareness, recognizing the advantages of such vehicles, but also the government’s subsidies, all contribute to it. The subsidies are, besides the green loans, an important factor helping to get more hybrids on the streets or in the marinas.

With the introduction of state subsidies, the demand for hybrid-powered vehicles (combination of the electric and gasoline engine working in sync) has risen considerably. The demand for electric cars, for which the state gave even bigger incentives, has increased as well. In the last two years, the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency has approved to the citizens and companies the co-financing for the purchase of more than 1,422 vehicles, as a part of its program to encourage cleaner transportation. The Fund has secured a total of 50 million kuna for this purpose.

"Within this program, the purchase of new vehicles was co-financed for the citizens and companies who bought them in Croatia or in the EU countries, but they had to be registered in Croatia. Individuals were able to get an incentive for one vehicle, which they have an obligation to keep for at least one year. Companies and dealers were able to get up to 700,000 kuna, and they have to keep the vehicles for at least three years", the Fund explained. It approved about two million kuna for the procurement and installation of 38 filling stations, because given the current trend, the supporting infrastructure had to be provided.

It is still too early to say whether this year will bring similar projects, within which programmes and with what kind of conditions, the Fund continued. But the fact is that the market is increasingly turning to hybrids, and this is clearly reflected in the offer of the most car brands.
