
Boiling Summer On Its Way to Croatia

AccuWeather has a pretty good knack for being accurate, hence the name, I suppose.

We all remember last summer. Going to the beach before 18:00 was a terrible idea, and sitting in a darkened room under the air conditioner was the best, and indeed the only thing many people could do. The sea was like warm bath water, standing under a cold shower gave only very mild relief and rain, on the rare occasion that it did arrive, was like a gift from the Gods.

AccuWeather were entirely correct with their forecasts for summer last year, their predictions were repeated images of the sun and staggeringly high numbers, if we are to place our trust in them again this year, then this coming summer is going to be a summer to remember, with forecasts predicting extremely dry heat, with some parts of Croatia seeing much less than half of the average amount of rain. Predicted temperatures seem to be way above average.

“The heat in the southern Balkan Peninsula could result in the warmest summer in recent years,” stated AccuWeather's Senior Meteorologist Alan Reppert.

Alas, this will be the second extremely hot summer in the country and once again weather warnings will be anounced and people will be urged to run for shade and stay hydrated. AccuWeather, which was founded in 1962, provides trustworthy commercial weather forecasting services worldwide.
