
Porin Music Awards Ceremony to Be Held in Split After All?

By 7 November 2015

Hope that the Porin Music Awards ceremony will stay in the Dalmatian capital.

If the Split-Dalmatia County responds positively to requests by the organizers of Porin Music Awards ceremony, the chances are good that the award ceremony for the most respected Croatian music awards will again be held in Split, reports Dalmatinski Portal on November 7, 2015. This has been confirmed by the Deputy Mayor of Split Goran Kovačević, who added that it was the wish of the Split city authorities, which first brought Porin Awards to the city, for the award ceremony to be held again at the same location. Deputy Mayor also said that Split Tourist Board was ready to give its financial support, while Tourist Board of Split-Dalmatia County has refused to give its approval. It asked the organizers to apply for the competition in February, which is too late for this year.

"Due to high production costs for the organizers, the City of Split has doubled the amount of its grant. The organizers expect a meeting with the County Prefect Zlatko Ževrnja. If the county were to get involved in the event with even a small amount of funds, the organizers are very optimistic that they would manage to organize Porin Awards ceremony for the second consecutive year in Split", explained Kovačević who is in daily contact with the organizers.

So, Split is still very much in play. "I would like to note that events such as these reflect positively on the entire county. The City of Split cannot alone give all the necessary support. We need at least some help for some of the major projects, such as the Ultra Music Festival and Porin Music Awards ceremony", Deputy Mayor said and pointed out Istria as a positive example, where city authorities and the county share the costs of important events.
