The Croatian wine focus turns to Slavonia this weekend.
The third WineOS will open this weekend of Friday, December 9th, 2016 in the Osijek Esseker Centre, where all lovers of good wine, good food and good life in general, will have the opportunity to enjoy tasting the products of the large number of regional winemakers. More than seventy exhibitors are expected, from Croatia nad from neighbouting countries. In addition to wine there will be many local delicacies to taste.
Official opening is on Friday at 2pm, and opening hours both days are 2pm-9pm.
After enjoying the wines and other regional delights, the visitors can continue their evening at the upstairs wine party. Naturally no party on Slavonia would be complete without the traditional tamburice orchestra accomplanying the festivities.
Entry to the WineOS costs 50 kuna and includes a commemorative glass.
As well as wine and food tastings, the are seven different workshops, of which six are free. All need to be reserved as attendance is limited - email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FRIDAY, December 9, 2016.
Review of the 2016 harvest in Slavonija and Croatian Danube Regions
Moderator: Tomislav Božičević, Udruga Graševina Croatica.Start time: 13:00 Intended audience: Press and media.
Presentation of the 2016 Prize Winning Wines
Moderator: Udruga Graševina Croatica. Start time: 15:00, free. Soil Protection in the Vineyars, today a necessity, tomorrow a duty
Moderator: akademician Ferdo Bašić, Croatian Wine Knights Fraternity Start time: 16:30, free
Wine Judging Vocabulary
Moderator: Francem, Croatian Sommelier club Start Time: 18:00, free
SATURDAY, December 10, 2016.
Wine in the World of Fliers and Catalogs - Adria region
Moderator: Marko Havaši, Focus Market Research. Start Time: 15:00, free
Slow Food and Wine - Theme Veal
Moderator: Damir Zrno, ing. Vrijeme početka: 16:30; price: 100,00 kuna
Kalazić Graševina Vertical Tasting 2008-2016
Moderator: Slavko Kalazić, winery owner and Samir Nađ, oenologist. Start Time: 18:00, free
For all the workshops attendance is limited to 20 per workshop, and they will be held upstairs in the Esseker Centre Multimedia room.