
Brand New Portal Launches for Dalmatia: Meet Dalmacija Danas

By 7 March 2017

The new portal on the block, Dalmacija Danas just launched this week. TCN caught up with the new news portal to see what it is all about. 

After nine years in the media and the last two years as editor in chief of Dalmacija News, law graduated and long-time journalist Rade Popadić decided to launch a new web portal named Dalmacija Danas (Dalmatia Today). 

Popadić believed that the time had come to transfer his past experience in the media and active participation in the civil sector into a portal which, with all of the standard segments of existing media portals, would tell the stories of the ”little” people and point out the real challenges of the society we live in. 

"The portal was created with hundreds of volunteers which is an unprecedented case in Croatian media. The voluntary involvement was huge and gave us a lot of confidence, but also responsibility to meet the expectations. The portal is somewhat of an experiment as it seeks to unify the practice of market competition and be the ‘voice of the people’. The majority of the mainstream media in Croatia are responsible to the ‘big bosses’, and I am for the first time, responsible for myself and the people who gave us confidence.

Dalmacija Danas is a different kind of portal as the people who work for the portal were not chosen by any usual criteria of employing 'suitable' people, and we did not insist on bringing in top professionals. Our most important criteria is the humanity and enthusiasm of the individuals.

The objective of the portal is to become a relevant source of media in Dalmatia, with long-term sustainability and originality. I think that in a technical sense we are offering a quality portal which will be further upgraded this summer when we include video productions. Today, video has become the standard for serious media. In addition, Facebook and other social networks are considered extremely powerful tools for bringing the portal closer to the general public, so in that sense we will seek to take maximum advantage of new media and new ways of communication.

Additionally, as a person who is a part of the music world, I want to establish good relations with Dalmatian musicians and create a top list which other Dalmatian portals do not have,” concluded Popadić.

An excellent start thus far, we wish Dalmacija Danas the best of luck and look forward to reading! 

Author: Maja Maha Jurisic 

