
Medjugorje Easter Miracles

Easter at Medjugorje is a time of miracles.

Many miracles have been recorded on Easter, but some of the most important ones happened in Medjugorje, reports on April 16, 2017.

Easter itself is a miracle because Christ died, but his life did not end on the cross. Miracles in Christianity are numerous, whether those done by saints during their lifetime and afterwards, or whether those done after a prayer to Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ.

Among the more well-known Medjugorje miracles is the one involving Susan Tassone, who healed on the 1994 Easter at the Hill of Apparition in Medjugorje. “In 1983, I had a traffic accident while crossing a street in Chicago. The impact was so powerful that I fell under the car which hit me once more. I had a major wound on my leg, and I could not travel anywhere. When I told my physician that I wanted to go on a pilgrimage, I was surprised by his answer. He said that I should go and return in ten days’ time. That happened in 1993,” said Susan Tassone, who one year later decided to travel to Medjugorje.

“I healed at the Križevac hill. The wound on my leg disappeared. When I got back home, my physician examined me and said: ‘Your leg is completely healthy. It is a miracle.’ I am sure that the Lord had healed me on behalf of Virgin Mary,” said Susan Tassone, who in 1998 sent all her medical documentation to the parish office in Medjugorje.

Another Easter miracle in Medjugorje happened to Damir Ćorić. He was gravely ill and was operated on five times due to hydrocephalus, but was not getting any better. Soon he could not walk any longer, and medicines did not provide any comfort. He almost accepted that there was nothing which could help him.

“My illness started on 21 March 1980. I was examined in Mostar after I had several symptoms. They moved me from Mostar to Zagreb, where I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus. I underwent five major operations, but after the final operation I was sent home, since the doctors believed there was nothing more they could do. When I was released from the hospital on 6 March 1981, I could not walk nor speak, and I was fed only with liquids. In July 1981, my family drove me in a car to Medjugorje. At that time, the family started praying. Three weeks later they again carried me to Medjugorje, to a church, where visionary Vicka prayed with me. At that moment, I felt that energy was entering my body. The very next day, I could already sit by myself, and then I made first few steps. By Christmas, I started speaking again, and by next Easter I was already completely recovered,” said Damir.

His condition continued to improve. In 1983, he was employed by a compressor factory in Mostar. After a physical exam, in January 1984 he received an official medical certificate that he was fit for work. In 1988, Damir underwent a CAT-scan of the brain, and he was examined by a neurologist and neurosurgeon. The findings were that the patient was healthy. The CAT-scan showed there were no more any traces of damage from previous illness.
