
Croatians Leave Home Latest in EU, and Getting Later

When do the kids finally leave home? Not for quite a few years in the case of Croatia, reports Euronews on May 6, 2017. 

Interesting data from Eurostat featured on Euronews about the average age children flee the nest, with Croatian 'kids' hanging around the longest. Interestingly, that age has increased by 1.3 years from 2005 - 2015. 

"Young men in Croatia stay at home with their parents well into their 30s – the longest in the EU.

"They are 33 years old on average before they are ready to fly the nest, according to new data released by Eurostat.

"It’s a trend replicated elsewhere in southern Europe, especially Italy and Malta, whose young men also wait until beyond their 30th birthday to quit the parental home.

"The issue has been compounded by rising youth unemployment, EU data shows.

"Countries that have seen the proportion of under-25s out of work grow by more than five percent over the last decade have also seen a hike in the age at which young adults move out."

Read the full article here.

(a) Figures for 2015.
(b) Change, in years, of age leaving home, 2005 vs 2015.
(c) Proportion of under 25s in active population that are unemployed.
(d) Change, in %, of youth unemployment, 2016 vs 2006.

Source: Eurostat


