
Croatia Ranks 11th for Gay Rights in Europe

ILGA -Europe, the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, has published their annual review for 2017.

In the ILGA annual review which measures the level of rights for LGBTI people in 49 European countries, Croatia has received a high ranking of 11th place, reports Vecernji List on May 19, 2017. 

With an overall score of 62% for achieved LGBTI human rights, here’s a look at the breakdown achieved in each category for Croatia. 

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Hate crime & Speech: 75%

Equality & non-discrimination: 71%

Family: 48%

Legal gender recognition & bodily integrity: 46%

Civil society space: 100%

Asylum: 33%

In an effort to improve the legal and policy situation of LGBTI people in Croatia, ILGA Europe recommends:

“Actively implementing existing equality action plans, and amending the action plan to explicitly include all SOGISC (sexual orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics) grounds. 

Replacing the existing legal framework for legal gender recognition with new legislation that ensures the process is based on self-determination, and is free from abusive requirements (such as GID/medical diagnosis, or surgical/medical intervention). 

Prohibiting medical intervention on intersex minors when the intervention has no medical necessity and can be avoided or postponed until the person can provide informed consent.”

Malta placed in first for full equality of LGBTI people, followed by Norway, the United Kingdom, Belgium, and France. In 6th place was Portugal, followed by Finland, Denmark, Spain, and the Netherlands. And believe it or not, Croatia's 11th place ranking was marked in front of Sweden who placed 12th, and Austria, Germany, and Ireland.

Croatia also ranked best out of countries in the region - Hungary placed 19th, Slovenia placed 20th, Montenegro placed 21st, Bosnia and Herzegovina placed 25th, and Serbia placed 28th.

You can read the full report on Croatia here
