
Winner of Croatian Masterchef Hired by One of the Best Hotels in the World

By 5 January 2016

Hodilay to Dubai turned ito a once in a lifetime opportunity

Winner of Croatian Masterchef 2015 Iva Pehar is living her dream. As reported by, on January 5, 2016, Iva's intention to spend the New Year's under relaxing under a palm tree in Dubai quickly turned into an opportunity of a lifetime: „I came to Dubai to visit friends and on my fist day I met the executive chef of the Madiant Jumeriah resort Dirk Steffen Haltenhof. As soon as he found out I was the Croatian Masterchef for 2015 he asked me to join him in the kitchen and come up with an original desert which I ended up serving to all the chefs in the resort“Iva says.


„ I met the entire team and we started working together. I have to admit I came up with the desert the night before and the adrenaline rush was incredible. Still, I couldn't wait to tackle this challenge and in the end I wasn't nervous, I was simply too thrilled with the fact that I will be able to cook in a hotel of such high calibre which is a part of the famous Burj Al Arab“she continued.

After she finished the tour of the entire complex, including the state of the art kitchen of Burj Al Arab, Iva was given her first official task to check whether the fish that was just delivered was fresh and up to the hotel's strict standards. She admits it was an easy task since the fish was still moving, and the rest of the produce was perfect. Gruelling first day ended with a full dinner prepared by Executive Arabic Chef at Burj Al Arab Mohammed Kamal Eddine.

We wish Iva all the best in her new adventure and hope to hear more about her successes soon.

Photos: Iva Pehar Facebook
