
Run to the Water: Your Best Self is Waiting Here

By 2 July 2017

There are a million reasons to visit Croatia, this one isn't often spoken about, but is possibly the most beneficial.

Today is Sunday and it doesn’t matter what job I do, or what day I technically have off, Sunday still has that Sunday feel.

I have an ever-growing to-do list of late, but today I wanted to take it down a notch and share some thoughts that will require a lot less brainwork on both our parts. This is basically musings and a little more philosophical with some science thrown in, but perhaps I can classify it as an editorial for Total Croatia Sailing. Whatever it is, sit back and relax, this is a pleasure read and maybe we will both walk away with something.

This last week I have been on, in or around the water for the longest period of time since working on a yacht this time last year and it has had some recognisable effects. I live a 7-minute walk from the beach, even so, life gets busy and I don’t always manage to take the time-out and go swim. If we ever move from Dalmatia, I am sure I will regret that one day.

However, this last week, I made it my mission, that no matter how busy I was, I would go down for at least 10-minutes every day. This has meant me swimming at 7pm or 8pm most nights (I may not live in a city, but days still fly-by here). And I was also lucky enough to be on the first UberBOAT ride on Friday 30th June, so it meant being back on the water watching the coastline speed by and the horizon melt into the sea.

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So, what effects has all of this had?

I have had many moments of deep calm, clarity and connection.

Bodies of water and rituals surrounding water run through most every religion, history and civilisation. Ritual washing or blessings are incorporated into many faiths, including – 'Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam Bahá'í Faith, Shinto, Taoism, and the Rastafari movement' (source: Wikipedia). Native Americans consider water sacred and have many water-based animals they also consider sacred. In Maori culture, we had gods of the sea and sacred bodies of water. Greeks, Romans even the ancient Aztecs all had stories, gods or rituals based around water.

“If I were called in. To construct a religion. I should make use of water.” – Philip Larkin, 1954.

Don’t let this scare you off, this isn’t about to be a speech on religion, just setting out the point, that water has an important role to play throughout history. Not to mention the world’s surface is covered in 71% water and the human body is made up of around 60% water…. Point in case, water is important (so we should all do our part to protect it).

Back to the calm, clarity and connection.

“The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence.” Jules Verne

Two Months ago, I interviewed a man named Dando Bojić, who has spent his life at sea, from fishing to deep-sea diving for red coral and everything in between. His life was nothing short of a novel, but what fascinated me the most was how he described deep-sea diving and then his time spent in the decompression chamber afterwards.


Dando Bojić, deep-sea diving for red coral

“When I was in the decompression chamber was when my greatest moments of clarity and inspiration came to me”

Ok, this is probably for a number of scientific reasons, but he put it down to being removed from all stimuli and listening only to the sound of water. Nowhere to go, nothing to do but lie back and be.

I just got a new book (go figure, it’s about water) titled – ‘Blue Mind: The Surprising Science that shows how being near, in, on or under water can make you happier, heathier, more connected and better at what you do’ by Wallace J. Nichols. First of all, it gets an award for the longest title ever, which is part of the reason I got it.

Nichols writes “we are beginning to learn that our brains are hardwired to react positively to water and that being near it can calm and connect us, increase innovation and insight and even heal what’s broken”.

I am barely into it, but am excited to learn about the ‘why’ behind what I already know - that water has a powerful impact on our wellbeing.

Again, why am I telling you this? 

We will often write about the best beaches and destinations, sailing itineraries, where you should dine, why you should visit and come sailing in Croatia… I wanted to get a little deeper for once. There are a million and one reasons you should come to Croatia, but once you finally get here (and you will); take the time to just ‘be’.

Sit and watch the light dancing over the water, submerge yourself in the many hues of blues and greens of the Adriatic, watch the sun dip below the horizon leaving a stream of colours in her wake…


You may come sailing in Croatia to enjoy being at sea and discovering the coast, islands, culture and cuisine, but you will get so much more than you bargained for. You will leave a brighter, shinier, happier and more relaxed version of yourself.

This was the highlight of my job as a hostess on a yacht, watching every single guest, step off our yacht at the end of the week – calmer, happier and healthier (the Mediterranean lifestyle having something to do with this).

This is also a reminder for all of us to take the time to still our minds because life is typically what happens while we are busy filling our days.

So, run to the water, the best version of yourself is here waiting.

And, just because it’s Sunday, I will leave you with this summer (and fitting) tune…
