
Zagreb Tourfilm Festival to Take Place at Kaptol Boutique Cinema

By 8 September 2017

The 6th edition of Zagreb Tourfilm Festival will take place in Zagreb, September 13 - 15.

The sixth edition of Zagreb Tourfilm Festival will take place at Kaptol Boutique Cinema September 13 – 15, 2017.

The festival is organised under the auspices of Ms Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Tourism, Croatian National Tourist Board, the City of Zagreb, and the organisers include City of Zagreb Tourist Board, Balduči film, and, most importantly, the Festival’s director – Ms Spomenka Saraga.

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Travel enthusiasts will get a chance to watch films divided into five categories:
1) Commercial video/film – up to 3 minutes
2) Promotional film up to 7 minutes
3) Promotional film up to 60 minutes
4) TV reportage or documentary up to 60 minutes
5) Ecological

520 from 76 countries were submitted this year, 170 of them competing for one of the awards. A 10-member jury comprising Croatian and European film experts, presided over by Gorjan Tozija, CEO of Macedonian Film Agency, will decide on the best films.

In addition to a diverse programme, including films from the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dubai, Turkey, Portugal, Denmark, Bangladesh, Australia, etc., visitors can look forward to various prizes from sponsors, such as Turkish Airlines, Kalazić and Puhelek-Purek wineries, Matea Nesek General Trading L.L.C., Family farm Nedjeljka Jurin – Otočni proizvod (Island Product), and a presentation of its touristic potential by the City of Sveti Ivan Zelina.

Two tourism faculties from Slovenia will also participate in the festival: Fakulteta za turizem - Univerza v Mariboru and Turistica Univerza na Primorskem, whose students will select the best tourist film.
Zagreb Tourfilm Festival is a member of CIFFT (International Committee of Tourism Film Festival), a Festival Committee with 16 Film Festival Members around the globe.

See the programme here, and find out more about the festival on the official website and Facebook.

A selection of the best films will be shown on September 14, 2  - 9 p.m., and entrance is free, so stop by Kaptol Boutique Cinema (Nova Ves 17) and satisfy your wanderlust.
