
Watch Split Celebrate an 'Early' New Year at Pjaca!

By 31 December 2017

Happy 'early' New Year from Split's Pjaca!

For those of you who can’t seem to stay awake until midnight, Split’s ‘early’ New Year celebration at Pjaca is perfect for you. 

Hundreds (er, thousands) of Split citizens crowded the Pjaca this afternoon for a New Year’s countdown at precisely 3 pm. With plenty of songs, dance, and a lot of colorful balloons, the people of Split delighted in welcoming 2018 in broad daylight - and this is something we think more people will get behind every year.

As you can see from the photos and videos below, there was not an inch of Pjaca that was not occupied by a smiling face, and we’re happy to share the beautiful celebration with our TCN readers today to get them amped and ready for the new year ahead. 

Here’s a closer look at Split on Sunday, December 31, 2017.

Let's begin with the Riva, which was extra-crowded for this special day.

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And now, to the celebration at Pjaca...

26166067 10159707485295043 694940397510010842 n

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26510361 10159707391005043 1555881339 o

A special thank you to Mirela Rus of Break Time Nautical for helping capture the celebration for TCN readers around the world!
