
Meet the Croatian Designers Responsible for Getting Borovo into Vogue

By 18 February 2016

Taking Startas sneakers to new heights

It is always a pleasure to find stories about young, talented Croatians promoting our products across the globe, and on February 15, 2016, My Little Zagreb published a great interview with Iva Ćurković Spajić and Hana Ciliga, ladies responsible for revamping the design of Startas, once well-known sneakers produced by Borovo. Not only did they revitalise the entire line, but one of their models, Pink Unicorn Startas soon became the "must-have" item for serious fashionistas after it appeared in the fashion Bible, the US edition of Vogue.




Written by Matea Rošćić for My Little Zagreb

Photos by Lidija Šeatović

They are Iva and Hana, and this is a story about them. And about Startas. And about the hype that arose when that morning (and, symbolically enough, it was Christmas morning), in an editorial  devoted to inspiration in children’s fashion inspired by unicorns, a model of Startas designed by Iva appeared. It was the Pink Unicorn model of sneakers made by this cult Vukovar shoe factory, which soon became the talk of the fashion world, even across the Atlantic.

The history of Borovo started back in 1931, which means that Borovo is as old as my grandma, but joking aside, it’s also one of the oldest brands in Dear Old Croatia. Startas, those cute canvas sneakers with a rubber sole, were designed in 1976 and marked the 1980s, peaking in popularity in 1987, when they were the official footwear of the Summer Universiade. After a long break and all the turbulences Borovo had gone through, they came back with a bang several seasons ago, and since then they have been the must have of all young people and those who feel that way. They are comfortable, made entirely of natural fabrics, and the price matches the quality, which makes them affordable for the masses.

With or without Vogue, the fact is that Borovo has been going through a renaissance in manufacturing, as well as in the positioning of the brand (way to go, Filip and Martina:-)), and I had coffee with the girls who self-denyingly hide behind their computer screens and do their designer work. To find out more about Iva Ćurković Spajić and Hana Ciliga read the full interview HERE.
