
Green Light for Knowledge: Splitska Banka Helping Less Wealthy Students Financially

By 26 February 2018

OTP Splitska banka is helping make life a bit easier for less well off students with a welcome financial donation.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 26th of February, 2018, with this donation, Splitska banka, a member of the OTP Group, has begun participating in OTP's praiseworthy program in the Republic of Croatia under the title "Green light for knowledge" (Zeleno svjetlo za znanje).

Splitska banka and the City of Split signed a a grant areement in the amount of 150,000 kuna to be used for scholarships for students from lower income families or who are otherwise less wealthy in the City of Split.

With this considerable and more than welcome donation to education under the ''Green light for knowledge'' scheme, which has been helping students of a lower economic status in different parts of Croatia for the past eight years, Splitska banka will lift a significant amount of weight of the shoulders of Split's youth who are actively trying to better themselves and their lives through further education.

The entire amount of this donation will be allocated by the Dalmatian capital to the scholarships of students from poorer families, which will be awarded in accordance with the conditions that the City of Split has drawn up for this particular purpose. This means that the bank as a partner has joined the existing scholarship program of the City of Split in this academic year.

With the help of this very necessary program, young people have had their lives made somewhat easier when striving for more, aiming higher and ensuring better conditions during their schooling. Over the last eight years, as part of the OTP project, the group provided scholarships and other donations of almost 5 million kuna for student education and easier lives across Croatia, and from this academic year onwards, students in Split will also get a helping hand in making their determination for a good education and a better standard of living easier.
