
Albania Warned to Stop Polluting Adriatic Sea

By 15 March 2018

ZAGREB, March 15, 2018 - Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Marija Pejčinović Burić and her Albanian counterpart Ditmir Bushati held talks in Tirana on Thursday about strengthening trade and economic ties, cooperation within NATO, Albania's journey to the European Union and preserving the Adriatic environment.

Pejčinović Burić underscored excellent bilateral relations, as evidenced in the fact that this is her second visit to Albania in just a few months.

She emphasised that the two countries that entered NATO at the same time had excellent cooperation within the alliance, adding that Zagreb is Tirana's ally on its pathway to the EU, with reforms being the key in that regard.

Pejčinović Burić said that, in order to bring countries closer together, it is necessary to strengthen connectivity by building roads, energy and air corridors, and referring to the Adriatic-Ionian corridor, she underscored that Croatia had already constructed its section of that corridor.

She also touched on the issue of the Adriatic Sea and pollution that arrives in Croatia from the south and said that the ecological aspect would be very important for Albania on its journey to the EU and that it was important that Albania started addressing that issue as soon as possible. "We have a sea that needs us," she underscored, claiming that the Adriatic Sea has great potential for tourism development.

During her official visit, Pejčinović Burić also met with Albanian Parliament Speaker Gramoz Ruci and Prime Minister Edi Rama, the foreign ministry said in a press release.
