
Split Becoming 'Smart City': Free WiFi on Buses; Beaches and Public Areas By End of Year

By 29 March 2018

The City of Split has provided free WiFi on all buses, and by the end of the year, will provide state-of-the-art WiFi technology in many public areas and beaches.

During the pre-election campaigns, many programs from all political sides had plans to make Split a hi-tech city. Since the arrival of the new Split Mayor Andro Krstulović Opara, it’s safe to say that the city is making small but significant steps in that direction. Namely, the Mayor's advisor for city development and EU funds, Krešimir Budiša, and his team have developed a concept to bring Split into the ‘Smart City’ world. While this was first seen with the implementation of the smart parking company ‘Split Parking’, this time the team has gone one step further, reports Dalmacija Danas on March 29, 2018. 

The City of Split, in cooperation with MediaKing, has provided free internet on all public buses, and by the end of the year, will provide state-of-the-art WiFi technology in many public areas and beaches. What is most important for the city is that the entire cost of the contract will be just 12,000 kuna, and the partner will commit themselves to installing and maintaining the infrastructure for five years. For comparison, the same concept on the market would cost the city around one million kuna, but MediaKing will finance itself and must fulfill the free internet services, Budiša revealed.

“They did something similar in Osijek, so that experience was passed from there. Citizens are already aware, and labels will soon be placed on sites that have free internet," Budiša added. 

“As far as the free internet areas are concerned, we will have them in the center, Žnjan and Bačvice Beach and the West Coast. This is a continuation of the concept of Split as a ‘Smart City’, making it critical to collaborate on modern technologies. This is a service that will be used by citizens and tourists, and it is important to note that the free internet service on buses can be used outside the city, thus helping the broader population,” Budiša concluded.

The company "MediaKing" is a Croatian company that focuses on implementing advanced and innovative Smart WiFi solutions for large companies, business centers and malls, public institutions, and public and private transport vehicles (trams, buses, ferries ...) which require many simultaneous connections to a quality and secure WiFi network.

“With thousands of hotspots and collaborations with the world's largest brands, we have proven ourselves in the markets of other countries, and since this year, our service is also available in Croatia,” said MediaKing’s website.

Translated from Dalmacija Danas
