
''Most Beautiful Croatian Secret'' Presented in Munich

By 20 April 2018

Promotion for Eastern Croatia to Bavarian tourists.

''I'm convinced of the excellent results of the entire tourism sector this year, and especially in respect to the continent of our country, as to many tourists we're still an undiscovered treasure, "said the director of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ), Kristjan Staničić.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 20th of April, 2018, on April the 18th and 19th, under slogan of the ''Most Beautiful Croatian Secret" a two-day event was held in the popular German city of Munich, aimed at promoting the tourist offer of various destinations in Slavonia. The event in question was held in cooperation with the German tour operator I.D. Riva Tours and the Croatian Tourist Board in Munich, with the welcome support of Münchner Merkur as a media sponsor.

"We presented a pearl which is still a secret to the Bavarians. Slavonia has a heart, warmth, excellent gastronomy and it must be a project that we'll jointly promote. Most importantly, group, but also individual bookings for the Slavonian destinations have begun. The cycling tour from the 22nd to the 29th of September consisting of 100 people is full. In the last two years, there has been a great deal of promotion in Slavonia, and these results are a motive for everyone for further work,'' said Selimir Ognjenović, owner of the German tour operator I.D. Riva Tours.
