
Croatian Mountain Rescue Service Posts Another Sarcastic ''Dear Tourists'' Warning

By 2 August 2018

The Croatian Mountain Rescue Service does it again...

In previous summers, we've been entertained by the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS) and their ability to laugh off most of the idiocies they come across year after year. While the novelty must wear off more and more with each and every discovery of a dehydrated tourist stuck up a mountain in flip flops from Primark, online sarcasm tends to be a remedy.

From tourists wanting to tackle rugged mountains in the middle of the day in flip flops and with no water, to people attempting to swim from the mainland to a quiet little island because it ''didn't look that far away'', HGSS has seen and unfortunately had to deal with it all, from humourous cases to downright dangerous ones. 

While such a job might be the type to lose its shine rather quickly, and be more than enough to rub some people up the wrong way, HGSS continues to battle it out with the use of wit and sarcasm on social media, with their seasonal warnings to tourists thinking about climbing Sveti Ilija during the middle of the day in August, in flip flops, that it might not be the best idea after all.

HGSS has released another post on their Facebook page, letting tourists know that just because a human being can technically live for three days without any water, it doesn't necessarily mean we all need to give it a try.

HGSS writes:

''Dear tourists, a human being can survive three days without water, someone else tested it so you don't have to. Take care of yourselves and others. In case of emergency call 112.''
