
Stipe Surać's Exhibition Officially Begins Mediterranean Coast Day Program in Split

By 16 September 2018

Organized by the Center for Regional Activities of the Priority Action Program (PAP / RAC), which has been operating in Split for over 40 years, Stipe Surać’s exhibition ”Legends of the Mediterranean" opened at the Gallery of the Split City Museum. The exhibition can be visited until September 29, every day from 9am to 1pm and from 5pm to 9pm.

"Through a holistic, integrated approach, PAP / RAC seeks to promote better, more sustainable ways of using coastal resources that we often abuse by inappropriate behavior. It is extremely important for us to preserve the natural beauties, the diverse landscape and the identity of the local population of the Mediterranean region. This exhibition displays this, and preserves our tradition and heritage, so that the future of these areas is as beautiful as possible,” said Željka Škaričić, the Director of the Center for Event Organizers.

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Hrvoje Prčić, an editor of National Geographic, said that Stipe Surać is considered one of the best reportage photographers in this part of Europe. 

"This opinion is shared by my Washington colleagues who review all the reports published in 35 editions of journals around the world, including the monthly reportage. Out of a total of 39 published, about 25 of Stipe’s stories were selected in the monthly reportage which best describes what his objective is. He always finds peculiar angles, peculiar motifs and has a very specific point of view. We live in a very bad time when we are threatened with global warming and when we do not know what will happen to the climate, what will happen to animals. Every minute an animal species disappears and that's why we have to fight with photos to inspire people to take care of our planet. Stipe’s photographs are a fantastic inspiration to do all we can as individuals to preserve what we have, not only in the Mediterranean but also in the world,” Prčić said.

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Bruno Ćurko also noted his excellent experience with the author. The two collaborated on several small projects through the Association of Small Philosophies, and some of the photos from the exhibition will be included in the book "Mediteranski armarun".


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The exhibition "Legends of the Mediterranean" officially began the Coast Day program, which will culminate on September 25 at the Gallery of Fine Arts, followed by numerous activities on the 22nd, 23rd and 25th of September in Đardin and other city locations. Coast Day will present a vibrant program for the professional and wider public with a view to promoting the value of the coastal areas and raise awareness of the threats to the coast and the sea. The central theme of this year's celebration is the 40th birthday of the PAP / RAC, i.e., 40 years of cooperation between the Mediterranean countries on the provision of healthy, productive, diverse, recognizable, attractive and resistant Mediterranean shores.
