
Stricter Penalties for Driving Offences in Croatia Proposed

By 21 February 2019

The Ministry of the Interior has launched the public consultation process for the draft amendments to the Road Traffic Safety Act, which drastically increase the penalties for many driving offences in Croatia. For example, the changes introduce the possibility of seizure of vehicles from drivers who repeatedly commit serious crimes such as driving under the influence of alcohol or driving at speeds 50 kilometres per hour above the limit, reports Večernji List on February 21, 2019.

The fee will be increased, for example, for running the red light at intersections to up to 20,000 kuna. However, the changes also foresee an increase in penalties for less serious traffic offences. Drivers who break the rules of the right of way will have to pay a fine in the amount of between 3,000 to 7,000 kuna and will receive three negative points on their driver’s licence. Currently, the penalty is 3,000 kuna. Such drivers will also be banned from driving for a month, three months or six months, depending on how many times they have already committed the same offence.

A driver who does not stop at a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights when he or she has the red light will pay a fine of between 3,000 and 7,000 kuna; so far, the penalty was 1,000 kuna. They will also have their driving licence suspended for a period of one, three or six months, depending on how many times they have committed the offence previously. And there will also be three penalty points.

Drivers who are using the left lane on motorways although the right lane is empty will see their fines increased from 500 kuna to 2,000 kuna.

In winter, drivers must clean their frosted windscreens and remove snow from the vehicle. In addition to the snow, they will have to remove ice and water from the car. If they do not, they will pay a fine of 1,000 kuna. So far, the penalty amounted to 700 kuna.

Among other changes, the penalty for using mobile phones while driving will be increased from 500 to 1,500 kuna, and the penalty for not using the seat belt from 500 to 1,000 kuna.

Translated from Večernji List (reported by Josip Bohutinski).

More news about driving in Croatia can be found in the Travel section.
