
Citizens Won't Be Able to Grow Indian Hemp for Medicinal Purposes

By 29 March 2019

ZAGREB, March 29, 2019 - Health Minister Milan Kujundžić said on Friday that only companies and pharmacies that make drugs would be allowed to grow and produce Indian hemp for medicinal purposes and that private citizens would not be allowed to do it.

"Only drug producers will be able to grow cannabis, it won't be possible for just any person to do that," Kujundžić said, dismissing the possibility that private citizens could be allowed to grow cannabis for personal use.

The growing of cannabis for medicinal purposes has been made possible by amendments to the Act on the Prevention of Drug Abuse, which were adopted by the government at a session held on Thursday. Under the amendments, pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies that are authorised to make drugs are the only ones to be allowed to grow and produce medical cannabis.

"This will help lower the prices of drugs made of cannabis and define the conditions as well as risks related to the growing of cannabis," said the minister.

Even though some European countries allow their citizens to grow cannabis for medicinal purposes and personal use, the Croatian government is not considering such a move, said Kujundžić.

More news on the hemp in Croatia can be found in the Lifestyle section.
