
Happy 5th Birthday, Brasserie on 7!

By 31 March 2019

March 31, 2019 - Everyone’s favorite Riva restaurant turns 5… Happy Birthday, Brasserie on 7!

Followers of TCN and Total Split know that we have long been friends with Brasserie on 7, and in fact, we’ve been there since the very beginning. You might recall that TCN boss Paul Bradbury was one of B7’s first fans and even secured a spot at their exclusive opening party five years ago. 

“Perhaps it is too strong a claim - that a restaurant opening started a tourist season - but something changed on Riva last night. It was the first hint of real summer and those magical evenings that await.

Brasserie on 7 formally opened last night, and the large number of invited guests were treated to some gorgeously presented canapes, excellent wines from Tomic and Krauthaker (both of whom were in attendance) and some delightful music throughout the night, and I can still hear the saxophone playing this evening in my head. 

It was an evening of slick presentation, relaxation in good company and excellent service throughout. I spent much of the evening indoors, trying to get a feel for the place, and the one thing which stayed with me was the level of enthusiasm and teamwork between the staff on what must have been a stressful night.  

It all bodes well for the season, and it is not difficult to predict that Brasserie on 7 will be a smash hit for season 2014 and beyond. Congratulations to Maria and Korana on yet another groundbreaking addition to the Split scene,” Paul Bradbury wrote in 2014

And things have only gotten better since. Over the last five years, Maria and Korana have elevated the culinary standards in Split. With innovative seasonal menus that adapt to culinary trends, yet stay true local ingredients and Croatian classics, Brasserie on 7 has paved the way for unique, quality, and, quite frankly, blow-your-mind good food. 

The duo behind B7 has worked tirelessly to ensure each meticulous detail is set in place to craft the foolproof culinary experience - and they’ve succeeded time and time again. From themed menus for Advent to introducing specialty coffee and craft beer, Brasserie on 7 continues to be a force to be reckoned with, as I wrote back in the summer of 2017

And to celebrate five years? A casual and relaxed lunch to honor their loyal customers and devoted supporters who have been avid followers of their journey. 

And yes, it wouldn’t be a birthday without one of B7's baked goods. 

Happy Birthday to you, Brasserie on 7 - and here’s to at least another five more!

You can find the Brasserie on 7 menus and more on their website

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