
Croatian-Czech Society Leader Receives Award for Promotion of Czech Republic

By 16 June 2019

ZAGREB, June 16, 2019 - Croatian-Czech Society President Marijan Lipovac is one of this year's 16 recipients of the Gratias Agit award given by the Czech foreign affairs ministry for the international promotion of the Czech Republic.

This prestigious award was bestowed on Lipovac at a ceremony organised by Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek in Prague this past Friday.

"The Gratias Agit has been awarded by the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the promotion of the good name of the Czech Republic abroad ever since 1997 in appreciation of prominent personalities and organizations developing activities in nongovernmental fields," the Czech Foreign Ministry says. Since 1997 the ministry has since honoured over 300 individuals and institutions.

Lipovac has deserved the award for being an initiator of many activities of the society at whose helm he is and for organising panel discussions and other events on the promotion of the relations between Croatia and Czech Republic. He is also the author of a book about the Croats in Czechia.

In January this year, that book titled "Češki Hrvati - hrvatski tragovi u Češkoj ("Czech Croats - Croat traces in Czechia " written by Lipovac and Franjo Vondracek, was presented in the Czech Centre in Zagreb.

The book gives an overview about some hundred people from Croatia who have lived and been active in Czechia, and also describes prominent Croats who attended tertiary education in Prague in the past.

More news about relations between Croatia and the Czech Republic can be found in the Politics section.
