
Prices on Croatian Coast Leaving Bitter Taste in Mouths of Tourists

The Croatian coast can be an expensive place to go on holiday, and the islands tend to be even more pricey. That isn't always the case and there are very many exceptions, even in the likes of Dubrovnik, despite the fact that the media constantly wants to ignore that fact.

That being said, if you want to visit islands like Hvar, known as Croatia's premier island, you're likely going to have to cough up a few more kuna for what you get. It's all the rage now to take photos of your receipts from cafes, bars and restaurants and upload them to Facebook and other social networking sites, to name and shame expensive cafes and warn your friends off them, but sometimes also to celebrate a surprisingly low price.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 26th of July, 2019, a simple espresso for 32 kuna, ćevapi for 105 kuna, and a kebab for 80 kuna. These are just some of the rather ridiculous prices on the Croatian coast that have been leaving a somewhat bitter taste in the mouths of tourists recently. The issue doesn't affect foreign tourists with a foreign income as much, as these prices are similar to what they'd pay at home, especially if they come from Western European countries such as the UK, France and Germany, but for Croatian tourists, 50 kuna for a very basic slice of pizza is a bit of an unjustifiable stretch.

RTL has thus asked the viewers to send them photos of the receipts they've been given from cafes, bars and restaurants highlighting the prices that they consider to be a bit ''exaggerated''.

The viewers of RTL Direkt on the Croatian coast did some digging, and they reported: grilled squid for 100 kuna, half a litre of Croatian draught beer for 31 kuna, half a litre of coca-cola from a store for 26 kuna, and a piece of cake for 54 kuna. A small pizza in the very centre of Split costs 90 kuna.

Antonija is from Zagreb and she's currently spending the summer in Split, her observations were as follows: "Coffee is here too expensive, about 20 kuna, that's too much. The bakery products are 5 kuna more expensive than they are in Zagreb, which is a bit weird, but maybe it's normal here.''

How do you find the prices on the Croatian coast and the Croatian islands? If you have had any shocks, both pleasant and otherwise, let us know!

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