As Morski writes on the 26th of November, 2019, a search and rescue team in the rubble consisting of fifteen members of the Civil Protection Directorate of Croatia's MUP. as well as eight rescue dogs will be deployed with two MOD military helicopters following the recent Albanian earthquake.
A devastating earthquake with its epicenter located near Durrës, Albania, was recorded in the Republic of Croatia on November the 26th at 03:54. The magnitude of the earthquake was 6.3 according to the Richter scale, and the intensity at the epicenter was level IX on the MCS scale. The earthquake woke citizens all over Dalmatia and was felt all over Croatia and in neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina. Several dozen reports from citizens about them having felt the earthquake were received from Dubrovnik, Split and Zagreb.
The Government of the Republic of Albania has applied for international assistance through the Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC) of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism and has so far accepted the assistance of Italy, Greece and Romania.
Through the Croatian Embassy in Tirana, contact with the Albanian Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs was established and acceptance of Croatia's bilateral assistance was as such confirmed. As stated, a Croatian search and rescue team in the rubble consisting of fifteen members of the Civil Protection Directorate of MUP and eight rescue dogs will be deployed to Albania, along with two MOD military helicopters.
Croatia is still in contact with the ERCC for the possible deployment of additional search and rescue teams and experts should that be required.
In addition to the devastating Albanian earthquake, the Croatian Seismological Service also recorded a very strong earthquake with its epicenter even closer to home, more precisely in Blagaj in Bosnia and Herzegovina today at 10:19. The magnitude of the earthquake was 5.4 according to the Richter scale, and that earthquake was also felt throughout Dalmatia.
No county centres in Croatia have received any reports of material damage caused by these earthquakes so far.
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