
VIDEO: Cook at Home with Most Famous Croatian Chefs

By 30 March 2020

March 30, 2020 - On the ‘Chefs Cook at Home’ Facebook page, you can follow some of the most famous Croatian chefs making magic in their home kitchens.

“Dear friends, we couldn't even imagine a thousand likes after just ten hours of our new ‘Chefs Cook at Home’ page. Thank you! In these moments, we can cheer you up with what we know best, cooking! Stay tuned and let’s cook together,” reads the new Facebook page, which has garnered incredible support in the beginning stages.

A dozen chefs who are not currently working or working with reduced capacity due to deliveries have joined forces to bring us closer to their work, but this time from home, reports T.portal.

Chef of Bistro Apetit Marin Rendic has been able to bring together an outstanding group of big names in the Croatian gastro scene, from which we will be able to learn, but also suggest ideas for new dishes, he says. 

Namely, the ’Chefs Cook at Home’ page has brought together Laganini chef Hrvoje Zirojevic, Pellegrini chef Rudolf Stefan, Agave chef Belizar Milos, Noel chef Goran Kocis, chef Mate Jankovic, chef Ivan Pazanin, chef Teo Fernetich from San Rocco in Brtonigla, chef Ante Bozic from Kornati Konoba Opat and Pero Savanovic, who has already posted two recipes - spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino and asparagus risotto. At the same time, Marin Rendic made Mediterranean beef meatballs with potato cream for Sunday lunch.

The first video, for example, had 3000 views in an hour and a half. 

“We want to bring food, ideas, and ultimately convey emotions to people, and thus move away from stress. Every day we will try to give tricks or answer questions if you are struggling with something,” says Rendic. You can also follow them on Instagram.

“We wanted people to see that we, too, cook for ourselves, for our family, when we have the opportunity, and now is a perfect time. We wanted you to get to know us better and to see how much we actually enjoy our food,” said Ivan Pazanin from Split. He adds that they also want to educate people and give them a handful of new tips.

“I don't know what I'm going to cook. When I'm home, I cook whatever comes to me. I go into the fridge and always find something. Here, I am left with stuffed peppers sauce, so I will combine it with fuži or some other pasta to have a great lunch for little money,” says Pazanin. 

Recipes and tips will be shared with the Facebook audience, while chefs will also answer questions and help new chefs perfect their culinary skills.

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