As Index writes on the 22nd of April, 2020, Education Minister Blazenka Divjak has stated that part of online schooling and education at a distance for children in Croatia is going relatively well. As far as the state graduation is concerned, in discussions with epidemiologists, indicative dates have been proposed for June - and the graduation exam will take place from the 8th to the 29th of June, 2020.
"That's the case in all of the surrounding countries - Slovenia, Austria... Moving state graduation to August wouldn't bring much benefit to anyone, it would just be delaying it. This is how we have backup scenarios. We also want to maximise the time students spend writing their state graduation exam,'' said Blazenka Divjak in conversation with N1.
The minister added that she will announce the current plans for children to return to normal schooling tomorrow.
"Nobody will be forcing children to go back to school, parents will have to decide on that. Classes will be taken online for the vast majority of students, as has been being done so far," Divjak explained.
"Other European countries are embarking on this. Tomorrow, we'll announce the timetable for when we'll go with each scenario. If you want to give the economy a chance to start up, you must allow parents to be able to safely care for their children - either at home or for the schools to take on that role,'' she added.
Blazenka Divjak also stated that classes will not be able to be held as they've previously been, given, among other things, the real need for physical distance.
"We need to work out a detailed scenario, we need to talk to epidemiologists. The vast majority of students will be receiving their education at a distance until the end of this school year,'' she added.
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