
Croatia Among Countries Beating Coronavirus According to

Some are winning, some are not. Under this title, a list of countries according to a single criterion was published on the website: whether they managed to curb the ongoing coronavirus pandemic or not, reports Slobodna Dalmacija.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 11th of May, 2020, the countries listed are divided into three categories: those that are winning the war against the new coronavirus, those that are just about to put an end to the epidemic, and those that have yet to take decisive action to stop the spread of the infection. The classification was made on the basis of processed data on the number of new cases up to the 4th of May, 2020.

In the first group - those who are claiming victory over the virus - there are a total of twenty countries across the world. Along with Australia, Austria, South Korea, China, Slovenia, Vietnam, Iceland, Slovakia, Greece, Taiwan, New Zealand and others, Croatia is also included.

''Croatia is once again among the countries winning the fight against coronavirus! This is a compliment to everyone and an incentive for #OstanimoOdgovorni/Let'sStayResponsible,'' the Croatian Minister of Health, Vili Beros, wrote on from his Twitter profile with pride.

Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Italy, Iran, Denmark, France, Spain, Turkey and Italy are among the countries that are one step away from defeating the coronavirus, and there are 21 such countries in total.

The third group highlghts the countries which have dealt badly with the spread of the new coronavirus. It includes either countries that have not yet flattened the curve, or those in which the curve is falling, but still not by enough to avoid the danger of a new flare up of infections. This group includes, but is not limited to, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Sweden, Mexico, Finland, India, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Chile, Egypt, and Belarus.

Federal states within the United States are also discussed in detail, and the results are somewhat striking because as many as 36 of them belong to the third, worst group. The group for which the war against coronavirus is still very intense. is a website launched by the American New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) under the leadership of Dr. Yaneer Bar-Yam. The institute brings together epidemiologists, physicians, analysts, professors, and students from MIT, Harvard, and other American universities. The institute advocates a strict five-week lockdown, travel bans, mass testing, self-isolation for those with little or no symptoms, wearing masks in public places, and an emergency supply of protective and medical equipment for hospitals and medical staff.

Make sure to follow our dedicated section for more on coronavirus in relation to Croatia.
