
Croatian Reddit User Tells Fellow Redditors What NOT to do in Croatia

By 2 September 2020
Croatian Reddit User Tells Fellow Redditors What NOT to do in Croatia

September the 2nd, 2020 - Reddit is by far one of the most popular platforms online. Its own slogan ''The front page of the internet'' speaks for itself, and Croatian Reddit is a place in which a lot of funny memes and posts are born. One Croatian Reddit user created a post aimed at foreigners detailing things one should NOT do when in Croatia, and it has attracted the attention of many.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 1st of September, 2020, RTL reports that the Croatian Reddit user took it into his own hands when it comes to the education of foreign tourists who will soon be visiting Croatia. The post details what foreigners can, can't, should and shouldn't do when spending time in Croatia.

The user said that in Croatia, no foreigner should show the number "three" by lifting the first three fingers of their hand up at the same time - more precisely the thumb, forefinger and middle finger. One other Reddit user replied that such a display of this number of fingers at the same time was the equivalent of a greeting to Hitler in Croatia, which, while well known here, was likely a shock to many a would-be tourist.

The post sparked an array of varied responses from Reddit users from across the globe. When it comes to what you should and shouldn't do in other countries, non-Croatian Reddit users commented that the Czechs can appear to be very rude and cold, they stated that criticising the government is absolutely forbidden in India, the Scots said they should not definitely not ever be referred to as part of England, and one Colombian user wrote that it is forbidden to slam doors indecently when getting in and out of a car there.

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