
City of Split Public Bicycle Network Grows with 194 New Additions

By 20 November 2020
City of Split Public Bicycle Network Grows with 194 New Additions
Grad Split

November 20, 2020 - The Split public bicycle network has considerably grown this week thanks to the addition of 194 new classic and electric bicycles! 

One-hundred-ninety-four new public bicycles were presented in the Split City Port on Thursday. This is a project to expand the public bicycle network and continue the investment of the City of Split and "Split parking" in the increasingly popular form of public transport. Today, the total number of public bicycles in Split has risen to 280, and the number of stations to 51, announced the City of Split.

Mayor Andro Krstulović Opara did not hide his satisfaction either, saying that "the numbers speak for themselves".

"It doesn't take long for some to be skeptical and reserved about this project. However, we are the first city in Croatia in terms of the number of public bicycles. We are working on urban and sustainable mobility. We returned the bicycles to the citizens and the public space. Of course, we are facing the construction of infrastructure and new paths and routes for cyclists, including the one from the Port Authority building to Trstenik. With this system, as well as the new ecological Promet Split buses, we have practically remodeled public transport in our city," said the mayor.

The director of "Split parking," Marko Bartulić, stated that the network of public bicycles in Split proved to be a complete success. As many as 11 thousand bicycle subscribers, of which 80 percent are citizens of Split, since the beginning of this system's introduction, have cycled the equivalent of 8 circles around the Earth!

"We bring a network of public bicycles to every city district. This gave us an alternative, that is, a serious public transport system. In this new expansion, we have 136 new electric bicycles, because due to the configuration of the terrain in Split, it has been shown that users prefer electric bicycles," said director Bartulić.

Recall, the City of Split introduced a system of public bicycles through the EU project REMEDIO in July 2019, when, with the financial contribution of Split Parking, which recognized the importance of introducing an alternative form of public transport, launched a system of public bicycles with a mixed contingent of bicycles.

One-hundred-seventy bicycles (120 electric and 50 classic) and 35 stations from the contingent presented on Thursday are financed and installed by the city company Split parking, and the City of Split provided another 24 bicycles (16 electric and 8 classic) and four stations through the EU project TOMORROW.

The City of Split, together with the cities of the Urban Agglomeration of Split, and with the technical and professional assistance of the Development Agency Split - RaST, announced a project to introduce and improve the system of public bicycles through the ITU mechanism of the urban agglomeration of Split, through which the procurement of 16 more terminals with 50 electric and 20 classic bicycles for the city of Split, will connect Split with other cities in the agglomeration.

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