
Petrinja Earthquake Distinctly Alters Grounding of Devastated Town

By 2 January 2021

January the 2nd, 2021 - The Petrinja earthquake was absolutely devastating for a multitude of reasons, and while there is never a good time for an earthquake to strike, during the middle of a pandemic in winter couldn't possibly have been worse for a tired, downtrodden population and a weakened economy.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Sotiris Valkaniotis, an international expert on tectonics and paleoseismology, posted a graphical representation of the Sentinel-1 data on landslides triggered by a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in the area. Analyses of satellite radar images from the Sentinel-1 platform are being published across social media, which further reveal the dramatic nature of the horrendous Petrinja earthquake and those which followed in the wider Petrinja and Glina are in recent days, reports N1.

Oikon Ltd. - The Institute of Applied Ecology posted the recordings on its Facebook profile, referring to doc. dr. sc. Mladen Viher from the Croatian Military Academy, which show that the wider area of ​​Petrinja dropped by more than 12 centimetres as a result of the Petrinja earthquake, while the area on the other side of the fault, around Glinska Poljana, rose by seven centimetres.

Sotiris Valkaniotis talked more about the magnitude 6.4 Petrinja earthquake, which was registered in the first moments after it struck by seismological measuring instruments with centres over in the USA. In another Twitter post, Valkanoitis posted another graphic, this time of the fault that was triggered.

"The biggest land rupture due to an earthquake in Europe since what occurred in Norway in 2016," he wrote.

He explained that the fault was between 15 and 20 kilometres in length and that there was a rupture in the direction from northwest to southeast just west of Petrinja.

Alen Berta also posted a graphical representation of what occurred on his Facebook page.

For more on the Petrinja earthquake and to see how you can donate money, food, humanitarian, sanitary and material aid, follow our dedicated section.
