
Earthquake Donations in Action: Croatian Entrepreneurs (UGP) Fund Report, January 14

By 14 January 2021

January 14, 2021 - Transparent donations getting to the people who need them most are essential in emergency response. TCN follows the Voice of Entrepreneurs Glas Poduzetnika (UGP) fund to report on the realities on the ground.

The donations are pouring in from all over the world to help the victims of the earthquakes in Petrinja, Glina and Sisak, donations which have been gratefully received and which are making a difference. 

As I wrote previously, many people have contacted us at TCN asking for advice on the best place to send money. We published a list a few days ago, but I was really happy to see one more fund set up 7 days ago, from Udruga Glas Poduzetnika, or Voice of Entrepreneurs, which is a growing force for reform and change in Croatia. Run by people who want to see an end to corruption and needless red tape, I was sure that their efforts to help their fellow citizens in crisis would be transparent, dynamic, focused and effective, with all money donated going to the people who needed it most. And so it proved, which is why I am now directing anyone looking for a place to donate to UGP, as I explained a few days ago.

UGP co-founder Drazen Orescanin was kind enough to give me an in-depth interview yesterday on the focus, plans and activities of the UGP fund, and it was great to hear that 100% of the money donated will go to help those who need it most.

In order to provide more transparent donation information, we agreed to publish a daily report of the fund's activities, finances and purchases. This was due to be published yesterday, but the crazy events of January 6, 2021 meant a slight delay. As resources and time allow, this will be a daily feature, and you can track progress here.



Daily activities

Today, two housing containers have been delivered to families in Glina. Stanislav Nužda's building and apartment were damaged in the earthquake, and as of today, he can finally sleep safely. Milorad Liter's family of six slept in the woodshed since the earthquake, and thanks to the good people, now they will have a safe roof over their heads during the renovation of their home.

What's next?

On Sunday we plan to deliver two more housing containers to families in need. In the next week, we plan to deliver all of the remaining housing containers and then we will make plans for helping families rebuild their homes. We have gathered experts who will work with us to find the best and quickest solutions.




Information in English for donations, both for donations from Croatia and abroad

For the latest news on UGP, follow the dedicated TCN section

For the latest information on the earthquake emergency, follow the dedicated TCN section
