
Croatian COVID-19 Vaccination Registration Website Launched!

By 24 February 2021

February the 24th, 2021 - Many questions are flying around when it comes to the vaccination process here in Croatia. With many on the list and with things moving frustratingly slowly, there is a lot of frustration with what many feel should be a simple process. Do I ask my GP? Where do I sign up? Mass vaccinations are happening in Zagreb now, so how do I get in? To make things more simple, a Croatian COVID-19 vaccination website has been set up.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, this past Tuesday, a Croatian COVID-19 vaccination registration website was launched on a trial basis where citizens and legal residents can apply for their coronavirus vaccination. It is in operation from 06:00 to 21:00 and officially begins operating today. On Tuesday, applications could also be made from 18:00 to 21:00, and applications for vaccination made at that time will have been duly received.

The Croatian COVID-19 vaccination registration website has, as stated, now started its trial operation, through which those interested can apply for vaccination against the novel coronavirus.

As previously mentioned, the site was in running but in its test phase on Tuesday, but despite that, people have already managed to sign up and any application made on that day will have been logged. There is also an explanation on the page about who should be vaccinated, about those who have already had the virus and what they should do, and the necessary information that should be entered when making an application for vaccination.

An OIB or MBO (the number of the insured person from their health insurance card) and their date of birth are sufficient for registration. Those who don't have internet access to access the Croatian COVID-19 vaccination registration website for whatever reason are free to register for vaccination via the toll-free number: 0800 0011.

Please note: If you access the website and come to a screen stating that the official opening of the website is coming soon, just bookmark the page and keep checking back.

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