
AstraZeneca Vaccine in Croatia Raises Questions, Marija Bubas Answers

By 12 March 2021

March the 12th, 2021 - The AstraZeneca vaccine has been plagued with bad press almost from the very start, with bad reactions consisting of all sorts of symptoms being reported and some countries even putting a total stop to its use on their populations. How are things looking for the AstraZeneca vaccine in Croatia?

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Denmark has temporarily suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca following reports of cases of blood clots, one of which has been reported in the country, Danish authorities said on Thursday.

Marija Bubas, assistant director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, told N1 that there are no plans to suspend the AstraZeneca vaccine in Croatia at the moment. She reiterated that this particular series of AstraZeneca vaccines has not yet arrived in Croatia.

"That situation is being investigated and is allegedly linked - we cannot confirm or deny such a thing. We will proceed how we will upon confirmation. We do not have that series of vaccines, and we have already used about 80 percent of the doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine we received, and everything happened without any consequences," said Marija Bubas. She added that in the case of a death in Croatia following the person having been vaccinated, it was later established that that unfortunate situation was in fact not related to vaccination.

"Such side effects are also possible with other vaccines, but they have been used for decades, so it is not talked about in such a bombastic way," said Bubas.

"When vaccination started with the Pfizer vaccine began, people reported side effects and people commented that Pfizer had many side effects, but back them, it was mostly only them - and there was no AstraZeneca," explained Bubas.

¨One-third of the people vaccinated with either one or two doses of AstraZeneca vaccine in Croatia had no side effects whatsoever,´ she added, emphasising again that there are no plans to put a stop to its use in the country in the fight against the novel coronavirus.

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