
First Chinese Restaurant Opens in Metković: Hello, Pekinški Bistro!

By 18 March 2021
First Chinese Restaurant Opens in Metković: Hello, Pekinški Bistro!
Peking Bistro Facebook

March 18, 2021 - Fans of Chinese cuisine in Metković can now enjoy a rich selection of specialties, with affordable prices, as the first Chinese restaurant in Metković, Pekinški Bistro, has opened its doors today. 

Metkovic News reports that a Chinese family owns the restaurant with a tradition in tourism and catering, recently settled in Opuzen. It comes as no surprise that a Chinese restaurant has opened now as Neretva Valley has seen an increase in Chinese residents settling down in Opuzen. Around 600 Chinese workers are working on one of the largest strategic projects in Croatian history, the Pelješac bridge construction. The 2.5km long bridge will connect the Pelješac peninsula to mainland Croatia. 

As the coronavirus pandemic keeps borders closed and with additional delays on the construction of the Pelješac, Pekinški Bistro offers the construction workers a piece of home!  But luckily, locals also get a choice of traditional Chinese specialties in their hometown. For the first time ever! 

Construction workers from the Chinese contractor in charge of the Pelješac Bridge, China Bridge and Road Corporation (CRBC), first arrived in Croatia in 2019. Since then, many have settled down in Opuzen to enjoy Croatia's beauty and, more specifically, the Neretva Valley has to offer. 

Whatever your heart desires, Pekinški Bistro has it! Their menu offers various sweet-sour-spicy specialties from chicken and duck and ribs and seafood to vegetable compounds that only Chinese cuisine offers.

As the first international restaurant in Metković, Pekinški Bistro will surely attract many gourmets, lovers of oriental specialties, flavors, and aromas. Make sure you try out the freshly prepared Chinese specialties! 

To keep up with all things Pekinški Bistro in Metković, be sure to follow their Facebook page and enjoy the full menu of Chinese specialties from their Facebook page below:

We hope to try it soon, too!

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