
Despite Vaccination Platform Failure, Health Minister Beros Boasts on Twitter

May the 3rd, 2021 - The Croatian vaccination platform, Cijepi se, has been in the news for all the wrong reasons of late. A total breakdown of the online vaccine registration platform has highlighted the difficulty Croatia continues to face in getting a good job done well at the government level, but despite that, Health Minister Beros has still had positive things to say...

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Croatian Health Minister Vili Beros is obviously trying to repair the damage caused by numerous difficulties that arose from and regarding the Cijepi se vaccination registration platform, so he decided, oddly, to boast that Croatia is the best in the European Union in terms of the daily number of vaccinated people.

"We're moving in the right direction. Croatia has the largest number of daily vaccinations in the EU, and according to e-VACCINES, every fifth Croatian citizen is vaccinated against COVID-19,'' Health Minister Beros wrote on the social media platform Twitter.

Health Minister Beros was referring to the data from the global database Our world in data for April the 29th on his Twitter post, and the Croatian Institute for Public Health announced today that a record number of vaccinations had been achieved on that particular day across Croatia, with 46,887 doses administered in one single day, which is indeed impressive. However, unfortunately, the next day the number of doses administered in Croatia was almost 20 thousand less.

“According to the data from the central register of vaccinated persons, e-Vaccinated, on the 30th of April, as many as 28,394 doses were administered while on the 29th of April, Croatia achieved an absolute record in terms of coronavirus vaccination with 46,887 people getting the vaccine in just one single day,'' they announced from the Croatian Institute for Public Health.

Of course, coronavirus vaccination praise cannot be based purely on the events of a single day or event, and Health Minister Beros presented the Croatian Government with a plan according to which vaccination will be accelerated in the third phase and that it will be performed seven days a week for twelve hours per day. The capacities of the Ministry of Defense and the Red Cross will be mobilised, the number of vaccination sites will be increased, and family doctors will be tasked with registering their patients who haven't expressed the need for vaccination, and they will be called separately.

Although both those wanting the vaccine and doctors continue to point out significant issues with the functioning of the Cijepi se vaccine platform, Health Minister Beros is still claiming that the platform is working as it should be.

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