
Split Craft Shops Get a Presidential Visit

By 14 August 2015

The President goes walkabout in Split. 

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović toured on Thursday night the center of Split, where she visited a number of local craft shops. "I want to see how these shops are doing, whether they have enough costumers during the summer. I have really discovered a couple of gems, from the smallest chocolate shop in the world to a small church above the Golden Gate. As many times as I come to Split, every time I always discover something new and beautiful", said president to reporters, writes Novi List on August 14, 2015.

Asked by craftsmen whether she intends to use the authority of her office to stop some of the state institutions which are sometimes more lenient to certain craftsmen that to others, so that the laws would apply equally to all, she responded that such situations, if they are real and not just a perception, should be prevented, so that everyone enjoys the same business environment.

"That is the point of an efficient state administration and local government, so that all citizens are treated equally under laws and regulations, but also in line with ethical standards for the conduct of the state administration", said the president.

She expressed her satisfaction with some of the tourist events taking place in Split, including the changing of the guard in the Diocletian's Palace. "I found out that the costumes were produced in Genoa as part of the costumes which were made for a popular series. They are quite faithful, close to the originals, and the equipment weighs about 20 kilograms", said Grabar-Kitarović.

She also visited the Marjan hill where she met visitors and tourists. She called the city authorities to landscape the trees which block the view from the top of the hill. At the end, the president touched the finger on sculpture of Grgur Ninski, which visitors traditional touch in the hope that their wishes will come true.
