ZAGREB, 22 May 2021 - The United Nations in 1993 proclaimed May 22 the International Day for Biological Diversity, this year occurring under the slogan "We’re part of the solution", and since 2003 this day is observed in Croatia also as Nature Protection Day.
In terms of biodiversity, Croatia is near the very top in Europe, with about 40,000 species officially recorded, although they are estimated to range from 50,000 to 100,000, the Economy and Sustainable Development Ministry says.
Croatia also has a considerable number of endemic species, including more than 380 in flora alone. The Dinaric karst has a particularly high level of biodiversity because of its specific biogeographical position.
Croatia also has a considerable number of species endangered at European level, while its natural wealth is reflected also in the number of protected areas - 20 national and nature parks.
The current health crisis has shown that despite the technological progress, we are completely dependent on healthy ecosystems, which are the prerequisite for preserving people's health, drinking water, quality air, quality and healthy food, medicines, clothes and an effective response to the climate crisis, the ministry says.
"Nature protection absolutely contributes to economic development," it adds.
Speaking to Hina, Hrvoje Radovanović of Green Action recalls that the European Commission's EU biodiversity strategy until 2030, presented last year, envisages investing €20 billion annually in nature protection, but notes that the ambitions shown by the member states so far do not leave much room for optimism that the targets will be accomplished.
With 0.5% of funds envisaged (€32.65 million out of 6.3 billion), Croatia is among the more ambitious member states, Radovanović adds.
The World Wide Fund for Nature notes that annually 1.3 billion tonnes of food is thrown away (€700 billion) globally, 88 million tonnes in the EU (€143b) and 400,000 tonnes in Croatia.
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